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Presidium of the Conference:

Honorary President: PEI Gang

President: CHEN Ye-Guang

Vice-President: LI Chaojun, LI Jingsong, LUO Lingfei, REN Haiyun, SONG Baoliang, ZHANG Xu, ZHOU Qi

Secretary General: YANG Jin


Chinese Society for Cell Biology

Organization Consortium: 

Jiangsu Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 

Soochow University, 

Bio Research Innovation Center Suzhou SIBCB, 

Conference and Exhibition Department, CSCB

Suzhou City Biology Association 

Meeting Information

The 2020 National Academic Conference & The 40th Anniversary of Chinese Society for Cell Biology will take place in Suzhou, China on August 04 -07, 2020. The purpose of this conference is to promote the communication and collaboration among scientist in the field of cell biology, further, to boost the research innovation of cell biology in China.

Nearly 200 researchers and experts will be invited to speak on broad topics and perform various academic exchanges. Meeting programs include plenary session, concurrent mini-symposia, special interest subgroup topics, poster viewing and so on. We welcome the participation of all researchers, students and companies.

Date and Vanue:
Date: August 04 -07, 2020

Vanue: Suzhou International Expo Centre Building G

Address: 688 E. Suzhou Avenue, Suzhou industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiang Su Province, P.R. China.

Meeting & Events:

1.2020 National Academic Conference, Suzhou: Keynote Lectures, Symposia, Special Interest Subgroup Topics, Posters, etc.

2.Grands & Awards.

3.Closed-door meetings such as CSCB Board Meeting, Executive Committee Meeting of CSCB’s Subsidiary Societies.

4.Satellite Meetings.

5.Educational Session.

News & Notice
    Important Dates

    Application for Travel Award Deadline


    Early Registration & Abstract Submission Deadline


    Cancellation of Registration & Refund Deadline


    Online Registration & Payment Deadline


    Contact Us

    Secretary Office
    Bldg. 31A, Rm. 212, 319 Yue Yang Road, Shanghai, China, 200031

    Email Address:

    Phone Number:
    Registration: 0086-21-54922879
    Sponsorships: 0086-21-54922879
    Finance: 0086-21-64220196
    Hotels: 0086-13381695656