About IFSC

The International Forum on Stem Cells (IFSC) aims to foster international collaborations and multi-disciplinary programs on stem cell biology and translational research, and will be the 6th meeting in 2018. Organized by Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the largest national center for medical research, education and patient care, the previous five meetings were well received. Many internationally renowned stem cell researchers, such as Irving Weissman, David Scadden, Ian Wilmut, Hal Broxmeyer, Darwin Prockop, Neal Young, Armand Keating, Toshio Suda, Connie Eaves, Elaine Dzierzak, Ihor Lemischka and Linheng Li, came to our meetings as speakers or conference co-chairs.

This year's IFSC will be held in Tianjin on Oct. 18-19, 2018. IFSC 2018 will focus on hematopoietic stem cells. Tentative sessions include development, signaling, heterogeneity, reprogramming, pathogenesis, and gene and cell therapy.

We look forward to seeing you at IFSC 2018 in the fall!

Program of 2018International Forum on Stem Cells

Important dates

October 10th,2018 Submission Deadline October 10th,2018 Advanced Registration Deadline October 18th,2018 Opening Ceremony
Institutional framework The Host Units
Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology Center for Stem Cell Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Contact  Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Tell: 022-23909058
Email: xcwang@ihcams.ac.cn

Registration and abstract
Tell: 13818231634
Email: Zoe.zhu@incongress.net